Monday, May 30, 2016

HK 66 你們好! 我寫字的能力還在慢慢的進步! 那我會用英文來寫吧!

On May  30, 2016 at 2 :11 PM Jayzon Christian Sy <> wrote:

So last week was pretty crazy. I kind of lost my self too much in the work, haha! So I was starving the last 3 days of the week because we didn't have good meal times, we were so busy teaching people. A lot of miracles tho!

So Scot has been on top. He has been really humble! He is working so hard to avoid all forms of temptation. One time he freaked out cos his friends were inviting him to drink. So I was pretty worried that night, then I called him around 10 to check and guess what, I was bothering him reading his scriptures. Wow, this man is awesome! He is out of the country so I hope he keeps it up. I am super stoked for him. I am so grateful that I get to his family as well. His family is super nice, we taught his kids the other day and they were super cute! One of there kids were like 天父是一個麵包。。Heavenly father is a bread, I wonder were he got that, haha! This family is awesome, we are praying that his wife will be opening up as well.

It was another great opportunity for Elder Johnson and I to help a main-lander receive baptism. It was a crazy day. We taught her according to her need so that she would be very prepared. She was awesome, these people are super humble and receptive. So I was touched to see a daughter bring her mom to Hong Kong to be taught and baptized as well. She was in tears when her mom was finally baptized. She had a super strong testimony of the gospel. I have learned to not take the gospel for granted out here. I am super blessed.

We also had zone conference this week. It was filled with great revelations for the work. I am so happy that I was edified during the meeting, hearing missionaries and the mission president bearing testimony is one of the greatest moments on my mission. I just love the feeling of having the spirit. Its been a privilege to learn how it works in my life and in the lives of others.

Church was a blast, we were able to bring in Andy one of our new investigators. He seemed to like it and is excited to meet once again. What a great miracle! Even my old man shi xian sheng came. for the last hour. I am very surprised with him cos he comes to church without being reminded. Such a funny guy, I actually saw him play basketball in a park the other day. Crazy old man balling in the parks of Hong Kong. HAHA!

Elder Johnson and I have been seeing a lot of miracles recently. I am learning a lot from him. Such an awesome missionary! He is full of enthusiasm and is so good at teaching. This area has been abundant recently.

I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to grow in Hong Kong. I am loving my mission and making the most out of it. I believe that Christs atonement is real, I have seen the power of it in my life and in the lives of others. I believe that we have a LOVING Heavenly Father. I have felt His love so much as I have been paying attention to the many blessing that I have received out here. I believe that the Holy Ghost is the great Comforter and the greatest motivator. I know that they exist.

Have a great week!

Elder Sy 
China Hong Kong Mission 
2014 - 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

HK 65 Another Week Of Amazing And Spiritual Experiences.

On May  23, 2016 at 04:16 PM Jayzon Christian Sy <> wrote:

Hello! Another amazing week! Full of spiritual experiences once again.

So Scot has been really amazing! He is so brave, he is doing all he can to stop drinking and to avoid the situations that would tempt him to drink. I am amazed of his humbleness, he is really willing to forsake his old self and turn unto the savior. We met with him twice last week, he is very excited to serve the Lord. We are working with the sisters to help his wife out. Temple is our goal for this family, in fact everyone that we teach should have the goal to dress in white and be sealed for all time and eternity. So yeah, I am happy that Scot is progressing! Rejoice!

Elder Johnson and I have been working really hard. We were able to find a couple of great potentials last week. Street finding has been very fruitful but we are trying to find a way to balance things with member missionary work. I am so happy that the mission has changed its perspective with missionary work. Now we have different types of activities that we can do. One very valuable thing that I have learned here is how important Ward/branch unity is. If the whole branch/ward knows their purpose then we will be able to go forward together. This is what we are trying to help establish in the 維多利亞 3 分會.

I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Woolley. It was fun. We went finding, teaching and do member missionary work. It is crazy how the unity is still there. We were able to find this lady who we shared and blasted the spirit. It was such a powerful moment. Such a good elder! Hopefully we can serve together soon!

I love the work. It has been a pleasure to work with some great leaders in the mission. I have learned a lot from the leadership of President Lam and Elder James. We had a mandarin meeting last week and we talked about our work. I felt their sincere and simple yet powerful testimony of the gospel. I am amazed with their dedication and hard work.

The church is really true. I am so grateful for the teachings of Jesus Christ. His teachings is blessing me. I am so grateful for the great opportunities to serve. I know He lives. Heavenly Father really does have a perfect plan for each of us. We might not see it but He does.

Have a great week.

Elder Sy 
China Hong Kong Mission 
2014 - 2016

Can I throw these shoes away mom?

Basketball with my investigator back in tolo harbour.

Outside view from the temple.

Bought new shoes again.... second one I bought on my mission.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

HK 64 Miracles Happens Daily.

On May  16, 2016 at 12:46 AM Jayzon Christian Sy <> wrote:

Hello everyone last week was an awesome week! Lots of miracles happening in this area.

So it was a great opportunity to learn from an Assistant. I went on exchanges with Elder Ng, he used to serve in the island but he is now in Cantonese work. He actually taught me how to do member missionary work. So the last few months our mission has been shifting its focus towards putting more effort into member missionary work. Well, its pretty tough cos I don't have a concrete Idea of how it is done. So Elder Ng and I sat down for hours and spent time thinking hard about it. It was a killer. So much details and so much focus you have to put into. Now we were able to create a solid plan. It is pretty exciting, I am pretty excited to be more coordinated with the missionaries in the branch.

So Scott has been changing a lot! We were able to be on page with our elders quorum. His progress has been going up super fast. He seems to be so much more sincere this time. We were able to get Huang dx to help us teach him. Huang dixiong shared his powerful testimony about giving up smoking. Scot has been able to make more friends in church now which is good for him. I am super happy actually, I feel like the missionaries that taught my parents. I kind of shared it with Scott as well that the situation with teaching him is the same thing as dads. And we can't get a hold of his wife because she is busy at home. So we are getting the sisters to teach her, which is the same situation with mom. Wow what a blessing, my heart has been rejoicing with this family recently. I love it.

We went finding the other day by the Kennedy town pier. As we were walking I had a strong impression that I should talk to a guy staring at his phone. So every-time I get that feeling I kind of feel nervous because the feeling is pretty weird. I did it anyway and was able to find out that he was a main-lander studying at HKU. He seems to be interested and he was very kind. I am pretty excited. You don't get a witness until after the trial of your faith! It is so true!

This week I learned about the Power of Covenants. The covenants we make with God brings so much power into our lives. Moroni chapter 4 talks about the baptismal covenants we make. 1) Take upon His holy name 2) Always remember Him 3)Keep his commandments. Now what blessings does this bring? We are promised to have the spirit to be with us always. As I was pondering about the role of the spirit I was reminded of how the spirit will show us the way. The role of the holy ghost is to indeed help us go back to heavenly fathers presence. We are taught the truth as well. Christ's teachings are made clearer through the Holy Ghost. How powerful is that? And after thinking about this I was also thinking about the power of Christ's atonement. Through the power which it brings we will be able to act upon the promptings and revelation we receive from the Holy Ghost. We will be able to conquer the enemies temptation.

I know that Christ lives! His life is so perfect. I am so grateful for my mission! It has been knowledge turning into wisdom right here. There is so much more to learn! I am so grateful for what I have gotten my self into, haha! I am so grateful for the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. I know that He really does care for each one of us!

Elder Sy 
China Hong Kong Mission 
2014 - 2016

Exchanges with Elder Ng

A member of our branch is CFO of Walmart in China. we had to take a golf kart to go to his mansion.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

HK 63 Spiritual Eyes.

On May  9, 2016 at 10:15 AM Jayzon Christian Sy <> wrote:

I just want to bear my testimony.

I am so grateful for the many experiences I have had on my mission. Everyday is always new. I am so grateful that I get to serve in the 維多利亞3 分會. There are a lot of great members in that branch and I am so grateful for their example. Last week as we were hiking I thought of a great analogy. We were hiking up a mountain in Lantau island. So at first I didn't want to do it because I don't like hiking. But I changed my attitude and said okay I will love it. So we started hiking and I was trailing everyone . (it was a 6 hour hike BTW)  As we were hiking I asked Fred ( a member) . "Who prepared these stones to help us get up". So this question helped me learn a great analogy of our life on earth. The stones represents the pathway that Jesus Christ has prepared for us. Now if I didn't start hiking, I would never get up to the mountain. The steps we take are an act of our faith. As we take those little steps, we are showing our faith and we are repenting. Now as I was hiking up, it became hard cos my legs were hurting so I stopped to take a rest. That could represent Sundays. As we go to church to take a rest and to renew our covenants, we are able to receive the power and strength to keep on going. Here's another thing, Fred was encouraging me to keep on going the whole time so having good friends are super important as well. We have to help each other out in this path towards the presence of Heavenly Father. It took 3 hours to get up there and it was a beautiful feeling to be able to conquer the hike.

I know that Jesus Christ lives. He really does understand all our challenges. Heavenly Father loves us, He cares for us. I am so grateful for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is the only true church. I know that the book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know that this gospel can really change lives, it has change my life a ton! I am so grateful, super Grateful! I am so grateful for my family too! I am so grateful for the support that I receive, and for their love.

Elder Sy 
China Hong Kong Mission
2015 - 2016