On Monday, April 20, 2015 12:46 PM, Jayzon Christian Sy <jayzon.sy@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Three basic elements of faith: (1) faith as the assurance of things hoped for that are true, (2) faith as the evidence of things not seen, and (3) faith as the principle of action in all intelligent beings. I describe these three components of faith in the Savior as simultaneously facing the future, looking to the past, and initiating action in the present. (By Elder David A. Bednar ).
Hello everyone! How are you? I've been learning a lot here on my mission. Missions are the best. You help people receive the gospel and you yourself will grow. I have learned a lot since the day I got on my mission but there is always room for more! I realized the MTC prepared me for my mission, and the mission is preparing me for my life. What a wonderful time it is for me to grow and become a responsible man. I am grateful for the opportunity to study the scriptures and pray everyday. Every day is a day full of new things. There is a lot to learn Everyday!
This week was a week full of finding! Our investigators has been busy so far. So we went finding. We spend about 5 hours walking back and forth. Mandarin work is special huh? Since not everyone speaks mandarin in hong kong, we have to find a place full of mainlander or at least find them walking through the road. It gets tough sometimes. What I learned this week is Success might not come instantly, but it will come. There were a lot of times when we don't get success til the last 10 minutes of finding. Its fun! A lot of principles to be learned on missions. We had good lessons with our investigators this week. Xie Yu is ready to be baptized, just has to develop some good habits.
God has promised us a lot of blessings. All he asks of us is to follow Jesus Christ and his teachings and keep his commandments. It all comes down to acting upon what you learn. I hope and pray each of you reading this will follow Him and Keep His commandments. I know that Christ lives and He loves each one of us. His atonement is His perfect love. Through His atoning sacrifice we have a chance to go back to Heavenly Fathers presence. I know families can be together forever. I know sincere prayers can lead to a mighty change of heart. Strive to become better everyday. The person you compare to is the person you are yesterday. Love you all!
Elder Sy
An investigator treated us. |
A Dog trying to play catch |
The beautiful Tai Po River |
My companion in action |
Companionship exchanges with Elder Durham. He is our zone leader. |
Dinner at the park. |
Cha Siu Fan! |
Dai Xi Jian. Our Investigator. |