Tuesday, February 23, 2016

HK 52 Humility Is A Switch.

“Pride is a switch that turns off priesthood power. Humility is a switch that turns it on.” 
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

On Feb. 22 , 2016 at 12:49 PM Jayzon Christian Sy <jayzon.sy@myldsmail.net> wrote:

Hello, man I love my mission. Great week of work once again. Elder Forston and I worked really hard. I am so grateful for the many spiritual experience I get through out the day.

This week we hit the pavement once again. Most of our investigators haven't come back from mainland yet. So Finding! I love finding, it is super interesting. We were able to find a couple of potential investigators while finding. I just have this good feeling that the area is going to be abundant once again. Our finding has stepped up to another level as well, we rely on the spirit on where we should go and we've seen miracles as we found a couple of solid once. I love testifying to people on the street about the existence of God and a need of a savior. It was even better this week cos as I testify to people I just talk and words just come out of my mouth. I love being an instrument of the spirit.

Prayer has been key. This week as I read 3 Nephi chapter 2-5, I have learned about the importance of being humble at all times. During the good times and the bad we should always be humble. That is something I have been keeping in mind recently. After teaching a lesson in my street, I always say a prayer in my heart right after and thank Him for giving me an opportunity to testify to the person we just taught.

Last Sunday during Elders Quorum class I learned a lot about being humble once again. Brother Huang taught a great lesson about what our trials in life are for. As I was reviewing the things that I learned during class yesterday, I was thinking about the challenges I had on my mission the past year. I felt an immense amount of love from God as I was pondering. I am so grateful he sent me to this mission. It has been tough but I have grown from it. If all my mission was good days, I think I would be super prideful. But again I am very grateful for the times when I have been humbled down. I have grown from it and my outlook towards challenges has changed.  

Went on exchanges this week with my trainee, Elder Woolley. He has grown a lot as well. We hit the pavement together. Just like the old times. It was fun, the unity was still there. We were able to teach a couple of powerful lessons on the streets as well.

.I am so grateful that I can be an influence to other peoples lives. I am very touched every time people thanks us for helping them. I love this work so much!!

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christs church once again restored through a young prophet. I know that the church contains the fullness of His gospel and the keys and priesthood ordinances necessary for our salvation.  I know Heavenly Father and His Son lives. I am a living witness of their power and divinity.

Elder Sy 
China Hong Kong Mission
2014 - 2016