Hello, last week was a blast once again. I love this work, oh man.
Last week was full of tender mercies once again. We spent some quality time calling people at night. I was searching up some names and saw some list of people who attends OpenU(where jason goes to school). I then called a guy named Aiden. I talked to him for a while and found out that he knows Jason as well. Pretty funny because he was found by other missionaries, even before Jason was contacted. So the tender mercy was Jason and Aiden being friends. Aiden cancelled the lesson after we set up a time because he got antied but Jason was really firm and tried his best to save the appointment. We were able to meet with him the next day and it was a great lesson. This is why members are so important!
Another tender mercy we had was when LiJiu's boss apparently received a BOM from a sister missionary. Now she wants to meet with us. Pretty exciting! This means LiJiu can finally start progressing and his boss as well!
Yesterday during church I met a young lady from Shang Hai who came to hong kong to visit the temple. When I saw her Rogers face poped out my mind. During that afternoon as I was praying for personal study I thought of that feeling again and had feeling that we had to set something up for these two. Well, it worked out well! They are off on a date right now. Really awesome! Roger was really happy, we would always tell him that we would do our best to help him out. Heavenly Father really does provide.
We visited a couple of great families last week, I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in Victoria 3rd branch for a long time. The branch is growing, there are a ton of kids. I am really impressed with how the parents teach their kids. Its amazing to watch them from the back and see these parents in action. Such great examples.
Kowloon is amazing, I am learning a few patterns for the work here. We are gonna work on being more efficient with our time. This is indeed the Lords work, the work of salvation. We are all part of this. I believe that the Savior loves us and his is filled with mercy. He understands us. I am grateful for a firm knowledge that I have a Father in Heaven. His love is infinite, unconditional, selfless. I am grateful that he loves and cares for each one of us. This Gospel is true!!!
Elder Sy
China Hong Kong Mission
2014 - 2016