“Pride is a switch that turns off priesthood power. Humility is a switch that turns it on.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
On Feb. 22 , 2016 at 12:49 PM Jayzon Christian Sy <jayzon.sy@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Hello, man I love my mission. Great week of work once again. Elder Forston and I worked really hard. I am so grateful for the many spiritual experience I get through out the day.
This week we hit the pavement once again. Most of our investigators haven't come back from mainland yet. So Finding! I love finding, it is super interesting. We were able to find a couple of potential investigators while finding. I just have this good feeling that the area is going to be abundant once again. Our finding has stepped up to another level as well, we rely on the spirit on where we should go and we've seen miracles as we found a couple of solid once. I love testifying to people on the street about the existence of God and a need of a savior. It was even better this week cos as I testify to people I just talk and words just come out of my mouth. I love being an instrument of the spirit.
Prayer has been key. This week as I read 3 Nephi chapter 2-5, I have learned about the importance of being humble at all times. During the good times and the bad we should always be humble. That is something I have been keeping in mind recently. After teaching a lesson in my street, I always say a prayer in my heart right after and thank Him for giving me an opportunity to testify to the person we just taught.
Last Sunday during Elders Quorum class I learned a lot about being humble once again. Brother Huang taught a great lesson about what our trials in life are for. As I was reviewing the things that I learned during class yesterday, I was thinking about the challenges I had on my mission the past year. I felt an immense amount of love from God as I was pondering. I am so grateful he sent me to this mission. It has been tough but I have grown from it. If all my mission was good days, I think I would be super prideful. But again I am very grateful for the times when I have been humbled down. I have grown from it and my outlook towards challenges has changed.
Went on exchanges this week with my trainee, Elder Woolley. He has grown a lot as well. We hit the pavement together. Just like the old times. It was fun, the unity was still there. We were able to teach a couple of powerful lessons on the streets as well.
.I am so grateful that I can be an influence to other peoples lives. I am very touched every time people thanks us for helping them. I love this work so much!!
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christs church once again restored through a young prophet. I know that the church contains the fullness of His gospel and the keys and priesthood ordinances necessary for our salvation. I know Heavenly Father and His Son lives. I am a living witness of their power and divinity.
Elder Sy
China Hong Kong Mission
2014 - 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
HK 51 Silence Is Golden.
Sister Sy,
My name is Heather Gwilliam and I'm vacationing in Hong Kong this weekend. I'm from Salt Lake city. In the subway this evening I ran into these two tall, handsome men with those special name tags. I had 3 boys of my own serve missions and loved every picture or report I could get! So I wanted to send you this cute picture and tell you your son is darling and more important, he's happy and doing great!
Sis. Gwilliam
Thursday, February 11, 2016
HK 50 "Kong Hei Fat Choi" Chinese New Year !
On Feb. 11 , 2016 at 1:09 PM Jayzon Christian Sy <jayzon.sy@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Hello everyone! Hows it going, it has been tiring the couple of weeks but man I love it.
So, the last two weeks were powerful moments. We had zone training meeting and zone conference. It was a double uppercut by the spirit. It was so strong. I learned a lot from both of those meetings. Zone Training Meeting was great, Elder Buss and I together with the sister training leaders came up with good ideas on how we should give the training. It was awesome, gave a couple of training about planning and using our talents in doing the Lords work. We also invited Elder James. Such a humble guy, he taught a great principle that I have learned. He shared a story about the monks in Cambodia takes a bowl and goes to every houses. They expect people to put stuff into the bowl. The principle here isn't about begging, but giving people an opportunity to serve. I was pondering about that and it hit me. I would always ask people "is there anything I can help you with" but when people ask the same question back I would say "Nope I am alright, I can do it myself as well". So I have been thinking of how I can ask other people to help me cos service really does heal the soul. How many times do you feel good when you help someone? Its great! I am not asking Elder Forston to wash my dishes all the time tho, haha!
Zone conference was awesome as well, Elder Bednar and Elder Neil Anderson gave great talk about missionary work. We have to be always center everything that we do with our purpose as missionaries. Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. Elder Bednar was so powerful as well, taught us about being instruments of the Lord and being instruments of the spirit. President Clayton and Elder Nielson gave great training about working with members. So the whole mission is pumped to work with members. This was a broadcast by the way.
Okay, so Chinese New Years is bittersweet. Its great seeing what Chinese new year is like but all of our investigator went back to mainland. So since most members left as well we were left with street finding! So before everyone left for mainland I asked them what Chinese New Year is like, they said they stay with their family and watch television. Guess what its true! Everyone just stays at home and watches television. Its funny! It was awesome to see families on the parks as well. There were tons of people in the park. We went around trying to see if someone is prepared but most of em are busy with their thing. We still worked hard tho and listened to the spirit as we were finding. We met a couple of good people and taught them street lessons. That was fun. 8 hours of walking was a killer tho, haha!
So our investigators has been doing great! Prayers are getting answered. I testify that Charity never faileth. I am grateful that God has been answering my prayers. I love the Island and I love everyone in it. I am sure that this love was given by God. The Taiwan investigator that we met a couple of weeks ago went back to Taiwan already. It was a miracle finding him on the street. We are hoping that he gets baptized in Taiwan. Such an amazing experience. We have 2 baptismal dates right now and we are excited for them as well. The work is great in the island. It has been slow due to Chinese New Year but it'll pick up soon.
I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that I have been born of goodly parents. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I testify that God loves us. The greatest expression of His love is sending Christ and His gospel. I am forever grateful. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ lives. I know that the Holy Ghost exists as well, through Him we can receive specific revelation for our everyday life. Have a great week!
Elder Sy
Hello everyone! Hows it going, it has been tiring the couple of weeks but man I love it.
So, the last two weeks were powerful moments. We had zone training meeting and zone conference. It was a double uppercut by the spirit. It was so strong. I learned a lot from both of those meetings. Zone Training Meeting was great, Elder Buss and I together with the sister training leaders came up with good ideas on how we should give the training. It was awesome, gave a couple of training about planning and using our talents in doing the Lords work. We also invited Elder James. Such a humble guy, he taught a great principle that I have learned. He shared a story about the monks in Cambodia takes a bowl and goes to every houses. They expect people to put stuff into the bowl. The principle here isn't about begging, but giving people an opportunity to serve. I was pondering about that and it hit me. I would always ask people "is there anything I can help you with" but when people ask the same question back I would say "Nope I am alright, I can do it myself as well". So I have been thinking of how I can ask other people to help me cos service really does heal the soul. How many times do you feel good when you help someone? Its great! I am not asking Elder Forston to wash my dishes all the time tho, haha!
Zone conference was awesome as well, Elder Bednar and Elder Neil Anderson gave great talk about missionary work. We have to be always center everything that we do with our purpose as missionaries. Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. Elder Bednar was so powerful as well, taught us about being instruments of the Lord and being instruments of the spirit. President Clayton and Elder Nielson gave great training about working with members. So the whole mission is pumped to work with members. This was a broadcast by the way.
Okay, so Chinese New Years is bittersweet. Its great seeing what Chinese new year is like but all of our investigator went back to mainland. So since most members left as well we were left with street finding! So before everyone left for mainland I asked them what Chinese New Year is like, they said they stay with their family and watch television. Guess what its true! Everyone just stays at home and watches television. Its funny! It was awesome to see families on the parks as well. There were tons of people in the park. We went around trying to see if someone is prepared but most of em are busy with their thing. We still worked hard tho and listened to the spirit as we were finding. We met a couple of good people and taught them street lessons. That was fun. 8 hours of walking was a killer tho, haha!
So our investigators has been doing great! Prayers are getting answered. I testify that Charity never faileth. I am grateful that God has been answering my prayers. I love the Island and I love everyone in it. I am sure that this love was given by God. The Taiwan investigator that we met a couple of weeks ago went back to Taiwan already. It was a miracle finding him on the street. We are hoping that he gets baptized in Taiwan. Such an amazing experience. We have 2 baptismal dates right now and we are excited for them as well. The work is great in the island. It has been slow due to Chinese New Year but it'll pick up soon.
I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that I have been born of goodly parents. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I testify that God loves us. The greatest expression of His love is sending Christ and His gospel. I am forever grateful. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ lives. I know that the Holy Ghost exists as well, through Him we can receive specific revelation for our everyday life. Have a great week!
Elder Sy
China Hong Kong Mission
2014 - 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
HK 49 Warm Blankets Meet Warm Hearts as Missionaries Serve in Hong Kong.
© The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints . News Room Hong Kong.
Why would more than 85,000 perfectly normal young men and women give up 18 months or up to two years of prime-time young adulthood to serve unpaid missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in hundreds of countries around the world? Nearly half of Hong Kong’s 150+ young missionaries recently combined their efforts with those of local Church members in a blankets-for-the-elderly service project in Wanchai. As these young people worked to create warm blankets for Hong Kong residents, they talked about their reasons for serving.
Elder Ryan Woolley (Colorado, USA) and Elder Jayzon Sy (Philippines) cut material for blankets. © 2016 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Many have come from faraway places. Elder Tung Hei Wan from Ma On Shan, Hong Kong, is not one of them. After serving for almost a year, Elder Tung sees a change in himself. “I care more for others than myself. There is a challenge being in your own country because I understand the culture here so I understand why others may not be interested.”
Those who have traveled great distances to serve in Hong Kong have noticed that despite the profound differences between Hong Kong and their homelands, there are some universal blessings that come from service no matter where you serve. Elder Benjamin Breedlove from Snowflake Arizona, USA said, “Doing my best to help and love others has helped me feel the help and love of the Lord towards me.”
Other reasons to serve emerged as the missionaries cut fleece material with their hands while talking about their experiences. Elder Ching Ho Yan from Hong Kong said, “You never know how much good you do.” Elder Frenwick Tseng from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA said, “Service is a great opportunity to forget yourself.” Quoting Gordon B. Hinckley, one of the church’s former prophets, he continued, “Do you want to be happy? Forget yourself and get lost in this great cause.”
Sis Leung from Hong Kong left her studies in Hawaii, USA to serve a mission. When asked why, she replied, “Because the gospel has blessed my life so much I want other people to have the same joy. It is not really a sacrifice because you are helping the Lord gather his children.” Sister Hannah Sharp from Virginia, USA mentioned, “I have always wanted to serve a mission." She explained, “My mission experience has been challenging, but it has been the happiest time of my life.”
No matter how young missionaries in Hong Kong serve, they love what they’re doing and the people they meet.
This article has been copied from this site: http://www.mormonnewsroom.hk/eng/article/warm-blankets-meet-warm-hearts-as-missionaries-serve-in-hong-kong
No Copyright infringement intended.
Elder Sy
China Hong Kong Mission
2014 - 2016
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