We had the opportunity to pick up the missionaries last week. It was a good trip. I love road trips but it was a little bit scary. It is probably because I haven't done it in such a long time. Plus the only person that I trust driving is my dad so it was pretty nerve racking. Seeing the new missionaries was a great blessing. They bring in so much energy. There were 13 missionaries that arrived last week so we had to take care of them for days before they go out with their trainers.
They remind me a lot of when I just started. So much energy and really willing to do whatever the Lord requires. They are super humble too because they are in need of the spirit which will help them learn a new language and teach as well. They truly know that without the Holy Ghosts guidance we can't do anything. It was another great opportunity for me to learn from them and grow.
Because transfers are now over, we have a lot of time to proselyte! The last 3 weeks was such a numbing experience because I didn't really understand anything in church. Good news is the Elder Woolley and I are now back to being mandarin missionaries here in kowloon. It was really refreshing to go back to Vic3 branch and see the members. It was nice being able to talk to people and express my love for them. Such an awesome branch! I was really touched as I saw Scot bless the sacrament together with his fellowsipper/home-teacher Brother Lee. He even helped us teach a lesson! He has been growing a ton recently. It only goes straight up from now as he is making great choices in his life. His wife seems to be opening up as well. I am so excited for this wonderful family!
Elder Woolley and I are really excited for 3 investigators. We are hoping that we will be having 3 baptism for Christmas. We have humble investigators that wants to learn the gospel and apply to find true happiness in their lives. I know that miracles can happen and we are really confident that we will be making "3 pointers and 1" for the rest of the transfer. Of course it wouldn't be by ourselves but we have faith that the spirit will be teaching these people.
I had a great time studying the scriptures last week. I know that Prophets are really mouth pieces of God. As Christ said it himself "Their words are my words". Prophets who holds the keys and the authority from God are truly a divine gift for each one of us. They truly testify of the Savior and how His teachings can bring a bigger impact into our lives. I know that as we choose to follow the Savior and his apostles in whom He calls, we will surely not be lost. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only way in which we can fully prepare ourselves to go back to Heavenly Fathers presence and be like him. I am grateful for the Saviors atoning sacrifice. Without him, nothing works. He lives! I know He does!