3:18 am ( Dec. 17, 2014 )
The long and much awaited update of Elder Sy's flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles needs to continue until further notice from the man himself ( Elder Sy ). After all, we know how taxing and exhausting it is to travel the distance of 7372.2 miles / 11864.4 kilometers ( PHIL - UTAH ) with approximate travel time of 15 hours and 19 minutes excluding the stop over intervals of in-between flights. So we forgive you Elder Sy for all of this restlessness coming from us, your relatives , friends, and loved ones. Nevertheless, we are even more grateful to those in (SLC) Salt Lake City waiting for your arrival. Bro. Rubi who is one of the pioneer members of Mabolo Ward who is currently based in SLC, promised and volunteered to fetch Elder Sy at the airport . He made that commitment way back in June 22 of this year when he happened to attend that Sunday services and was around to witness as Elder Sy read his Mission Call.
Meanwhile, sister Babes Rubi was all hands-on on updates about the arrival. She prepared Elder Sy's coats, beanie, a jacket, gloves and winter bedroom slippers. She even told sister Sy that they are going to have lunch with Elder Sy together with the 2 other missionaries and then tour them to Temple Square and of course, take pictures, pictures and more pictures, before taking them to Provo MTC.
3:45 am
We jump and shouted for joy when Sister Babes informed us that Bro. Rubi is already together with Elder Sy and the 2 other missionaries. We still need to ask Elder Sy the names of his 2 missionary companions.
Kudos to the Rubi Family. We love you guys and more power to the two of you.
And so as promised.......... pictures, pictures, and more pictures.

Coming up next :
Elder Sy will talk about P-Day @ MTC