Last week was pretty awesome once again! A lot of great miracles being wrought in the land of Kowloon. The branch is doing pretty well and everyone seems to be so much happier. The branch members are working together as well, what a nice thing to see.
I feel really happy serving with Elder Grayam. He is a really good companion. He works really hard and he is full of charity. It has been fun teaching the gospel with him. We have gotten a lot closer as we try to consecrate ourselves for missionary work. He is really funny and sharing the gospel seems natural for him. I am excited for his future as a leader in a mission.
Last week we had a great opportunity of strengthening our RCs and LAs. Its great to see these people being strengthened. The best part is that we bring members with us to help us teach thus both RC and LA becomes strengthened. So I am really happy as I see these people( Jason, Borris, Leslie, and JiangFan) grow.
We are also really excited for Max's wife. She has been doing really well and she is benefited from the lesson she received last week. I think that it strengthened her faith and we were able to help her find a way to read her scriptures more. I am excited for him and his family. I have hope and faith that she will be baptized and their family can be together forever!
We had a fun service opportunity as well. Our investigator 陳弟兄, someone I taught a year ago back in Yuen Long who lives in Mongkok now, has been taking the lessons again. He still has some problems in his body so he still needs a wheel chair. We took him to church be pushing him and his wheelchair around Mong kok to the bus then to WanChai. Pretty nice service. He had a great time at church.
We visited a couple members as well. They fed us really well, I love the Vic 3 members. The branch is filled with so much great examples. I have been strengthened in a lot of ways by them.
So, I am excited as well for a new assignment. President Lam pulled me aside the other day and asked me to be his assistant. I was in shock because I wasn't expecting it. There are a lot of responsibilities but I know it can stretch me. I am excited to be with Elder Woolley again. It's gonna be fun and we will definitely see a lot of miracles. For the meantime I will still be with Elder Grayam serving in Kowloon but we will probably go on a lot of exchanges as Elder George will be training me.
This morning I had a great interview with President Lam and I am grateful that I get to feel his love for me. I can feel that he really cares for me and my family. What a great exemplary man. I am so grateful for a wonderful mission President.
I was reading in ether12:6 (And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.)
As I was pondering about it I thought about trying my faith more for a stronger witness. So it was exciting to set some goals. President Lam gave a great counsel this morning about working on one or two things at a time. It is exciting!
I know that my Savior lives! I am so grateful that His atonement is real! It has given me so much hope for the future! I am grateful for my service here in Hong Kong. It has been a great blessing indeed! Have a great week!