Friday, October 28, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
HK 86 The Kowloon Cubicle.
Dear Blog,
What a fun week it was to move into the office with Elder Woolley. The chance to work together again is priceless. It is exactly the same situation as Alma and Amulek. After separating to continue to serve the Lord, they reunite once again and preach the gospel together. Really awesome opportunity. Elder Woolley has learned a lot and so skilled in doing the work now. It's exciting help President Lam in leading the mission.
So before coming into the office on tuesday, we visited the two Jasons of Kowloon. We cooked food together and we had a great time chatting about the gospel and some random stuff. We had a great discussion about the general conference talks as well. We invited them and even ouselves to work on 1 or 2 things. I think that is a really good principle because normally you only remember 1 or 2 things from GC on the top of your head. So that lesson was a great blessing for me. Personal study and personal conversion seems to have a clear direction of where it is going. So I am grateful that the spirit has been teaching me alot recently. With the spirit, scripture study has been really fun!
So from wednesday to sunday, we did a lot of office stuff. We have been meeting with President Lam and Sister Lam for moves next transfer. There is gonna be a big "fried egg flip" in the mission because most missionaries have been in their areas for a long time. It was fun to see how things are done, President Lam is an inspired leader. Such a good example of following the Spirit. Preparing for mission tour has been fun too. I think the role of this assignment has been stretching me as everything I do requires great communication. So I thing its helping me get out of my shell even more.
Back to basic for me in Language tho. So we are doing Cantonese work. It has been a humbling experience to speak Cantonese. I was able to go up and give a short talk last sunday as well. Really humbling, hopefully I will be able to pick it up in the next couple of weeks. The gift of tongues is for real.
So yeah, I pretty much have more opportunities to serve now. Elder Woolley and I are going to do our best to focus on missionary work. We had great opportunities to work. Great Elder!
Studying the scriptures has been more meaningful recently. I am so grateful for the testimony of the Prophets. The accounts of the Savior just strengthens my faith in Him. I am grateful for a belief and a knowledge of a Savior. I have felt the power of the Atonement as I preach the gospel everyday and as I see people change for the better. The gospel is filled with so much hapinness and so much hope. The most important thing is that the Priesthood Authority is once again restored to fully prepare ourselves to progress in the life after this. I know that Jesus Christ lives. Heavenly Fathers love is unconditional, He is willing to listen to us all the time. As we humbly thank Heavenly Father each day, we feel Him so much closer to us. I know that this Church is true! The Book Of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ.
Have a great week everyone.
Elder Sy
What a fun week it was to move into the office with Elder Woolley. The chance to work together again is priceless. It is exactly the same situation as Alma and Amulek. After separating to continue to serve the Lord, they reunite once again and preach the gospel together. Really awesome opportunity. Elder Woolley has learned a lot and so skilled in doing the work now. It's exciting help President Lam in leading the mission.
So before coming into the office on tuesday, we visited the two Jasons of Kowloon. We cooked food together and we had a great time chatting about the gospel and some random stuff. We had a great discussion about the general conference talks as well. We invited them and even ouselves to work on 1 or 2 things. I think that is a really good principle because normally you only remember 1 or 2 things from GC on the top of your head. So that lesson was a great blessing for me. Personal study and personal conversion seems to have a clear direction of where it is going. So I am grateful that the spirit has been teaching me alot recently. With the spirit, scripture study has been really fun!
So from wednesday to sunday, we did a lot of office stuff. We have been meeting with President Lam and Sister Lam for moves next transfer. There is gonna be a big "fried egg flip" in the mission because most missionaries have been in their areas for a long time. It was fun to see how things are done, President Lam is an inspired leader. Such a good example of following the Spirit. Preparing for mission tour has been fun too. I think the role of this assignment has been stretching me as everything I do requires great communication. So I thing its helping me get out of my shell even more.
Back to basic for me in Language tho. So we are doing Cantonese work. It has been a humbling experience to speak Cantonese. I was able to go up and give a short talk last sunday as well. Really humbling, hopefully I will be able to pick it up in the next couple of weeks. The gift of tongues is for real.
So yeah, I pretty much have more opportunities to serve now. Elder Woolley and I are going to do our best to focus on missionary work. We had great opportunities to work. Great Elder!
Studying the scriptures has been more meaningful recently. I am so grateful for the testimony of the Prophets. The accounts of the Savior just strengthens my faith in Him. I am grateful for a belief and a knowledge of a Savior. I have felt the power of the Atonement as I preach the gospel everyday and as I see people change for the better. The gospel is filled with so much hapinness and so much hope. The most important thing is that the Priesthood Authority is once again restored to fully prepare ourselves to progress in the life after this. I know that Jesus Christ lives. Heavenly Fathers love is unconditional, He is willing to listen to us all the time. As we humbly thank Heavenly Father each day, we feel Him so much closer to us. I know that this Church is true! The Book Of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ.
Have a great week everyone.
Elder Sy
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
HK 85 Office Training
Hello everyone! Last week was a great week. It was fun to be trained in the office for a little bit. I had the chance of helping the new missionaries out. I still remember my first time in Hong Kong, I always thought that the assistants were really powerful and I wanted to be as mature as they are and as confident as the are. It's been fun being that guy. We took the Filipina Sisters and the Bundei sisters around for some orientation and we also helped them register for an ID card. Haven't really felt the intensity of the assignment yet as I am currently with Elder Grayam because he doesn't have any companion if I fully move in. We thought of a solution so I am probably moving in full time this week.
Last weeks general conference was really nice. It was an amazing experience to once again receive revelation for investigators, the mission and for myself. It's pretty cool how all the questions I had before conference was answered. Like, how can I exercise my faith more? How can I help investigators fully prepare themselves for baptism? Awesome! I love Elder Bednars talk, his talk answered all my personal questions. The spirit just teaches us great truths, love it!
Investigators in the area are really good recently. Chen Guo Wu didn't drink for a week now, that has been very exciting. He should make his baptismal date! Max's wife is doing great too, we send her scriptures every night to strengthen her testimony. For our investigator Chen Hong Tu, he came to all the sunday sessions on sunday and he had a great time being fellowshipped by the members so that was a great experience for him as well!
We visited President Zhou and his family last week. Such a great example. I really look up to the man, it was nice getting to know him a little bit more. Really great young dad and his kids are raised really well. Awesome example. We were able to get them to be excited for missionary work as well. They are amazing and we are hoping that they are sharing the gospel with the people around them!
Oh how I love this work, seems to get better and better each time. I hope and pray that all of you will have the strength to continue to become better followers of Christ by being a light around others which is done by keeping the commandments that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has given us. I know that this church is so true! I know that Jesus Christ leads it for the purpose of people to fully prepare themselves for further progression. I love my Savior, I am grateful for his love and example. I really do. Hope yall have a great week!
Elder Sy
China Hong Kong Mission
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
HK 84 Assistant To The President.
Last week was pretty awesome once again! A lot of great miracles being wrought in the land of Kowloon. The branch is doing pretty well and everyone seems to be so much happier. The branch members are working together as well, what a nice thing to see.
I feel really happy serving with Elder Grayam. He is a really good companion. He works really hard and he is full of charity. It has been fun teaching the gospel with him. We have gotten a lot closer as we try to consecrate ourselves for missionary work. He is really funny and sharing the gospel seems natural for him. I am excited for his future as a leader in a mission.
Last week we had a great opportunity of strengthening our RCs and LAs. Its great to see these people being strengthened. The best part is that we bring members with us to help us teach thus both RC and LA becomes strengthened. So I am really happy as I see these people( Jason, Borris, Leslie, and JiangFan) grow.
We are also really excited for Max's wife. She has been doing really well and she is benefited from the lesson she received last week. I think that it strengthened her faith and we were able to help her find a way to read her scriptures more. I am excited for him and his family. I have hope and faith that she will be baptized and their family can be together forever!
We had a fun service opportunity as well. Our investigator 陳弟兄, someone I taught a year ago back in Yuen Long who lives in Mongkok now, has been taking the lessons again. He still has some problems in his body so he still needs a wheel chair. We took him to church be pushing him and his wheelchair around Mong kok to the bus then to WanChai. Pretty nice service. He had a great time at church.
We visited a couple members as well. They fed us really well, I love the Vic 3 members. The branch is filled with so much great examples. I have been strengthened in a lot of ways by them.
So, I am excited as well for a new assignment. President Lam pulled me aside the other day and asked me to be his assistant. I was in shock because I wasn't expecting it. There are a lot of responsibilities but I know it can stretch me. I am excited to be with Elder Woolley again. It's gonna be fun and we will definitely see a lot of miracles. For the meantime I will still be with Elder Grayam serving in Kowloon but we will probably go on a lot of exchanges as Elder George will be training me.
This morning I had a great interview with President Lam and I am grateful that I get to feel his love for me. I can feel that he really cares for me and my family. What a great exemplary man. I am so grateful for a wonderful mission President.
I was reading in ether12:6 (And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.)
As I was pondering about it I thought about trying my faith more for a stronger witness. So it was exciting to set some goals. President Lam gave a great counsel this morning about working on one or two things at a time. It is exciting!
I know that my Savior lives! I am so grateful that His atonement is real! It has given me so much hope for the future! I am grateful for my service here in Hong Kong. It has been a great blessing indeed! Have a great week!
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